Monday, February 28, 2011

the taking liberties shirt

altered pattern in a liberty fabric

Based on pattern 2010/5 from Burda (available here
With liberty fabric destashed from here
Wooden buttons from here

This is the first button down shirt I've sewn. I recommend using using a button sew-on foot (bernina #18). There's 10 buttons, including the cuffs. The cuffs, frilled collar and mini sleeve cap detail are my own design (I took some liberties with the original pattern). The frill inside the collar is inspired by a shirt of my mother's I admired as a girl.

The use of vintage fabric, continues the theme of reuse in the creations you find here at Le Couturêve. It's not a platform for this blog per se. It's (thankfully) a theme far too ubiquitous (in the crafting scene) for that. Nonetheless, it's a page the mass production methods of the fashion industry could take a leaf out of. 

In time for Autumn.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I love the shirt-you look very early Nicole Kidman in it.
